Cara De Luna

Cara De Luna


Cara De Luna is about John Claverhouse, a moon-faced man who laughs a little too much. His neighbor looks over Claverhouse’s constant happiness, and very soon gets fed up with it. So, he sets up ways to introduce Claverhouse to not-so-happy scenarios, and pushes him to see whether the man can actually do more than just laugh at everything.

This story has some dark undertones in it, but I didn’t quite expect such an ending for this tale. I suppose its simplicity is what makes it so striking, and its sadistic streak so understandable. And honestly, there’s just something about the man’s laugh and joviality that can grate the nerves of a person who just wants peace and quiet. By the way, this film is based on Jack London’s short story “Moon-Face”, and the narrator is Miguel Ángel Jenner, who was also in Tadeo Jones Y El Sótano Maldito.

Have you ever had an annoying neighbor that you just hate for some reason or other? There are times late at night when I’m really tired from the day’s work and ready for bed, when the people next door suddenly decide to have their midnight karaoke session. Ah, neighbors.

(Cara De Luna is available with and without English subtitles on YouTube and Vimeo. Click here for another animated film with dark undertones. Click here for a guy who has to deal with lots of weird neighbors. And click here for a feature-length film about a man with interesting neighbors.)

Cara De Luna, On YouTube (no subtitles)


Cara De Luna, on YouTube (English subtitles)


Cara De Luna is also available on Vimeo, without subtitles.


Directed by Enrique Diego, Rocío Galea, Daniel Hernández, & Carlos Nicoll

Film’s official blog


I'm the webmaster and author at I started this website as a complement to my studies in the Spanish language, but honestly, it just gave me an excuse to watch lots of great short films (like the ones in my author's picks section). I also blog and write short stories.

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