Las Piedras No Flotan (Rocks Don’t Float)

Las Piedras No Flotan

Las Piedras No Flotan centers on a man named Pedro. After his girl left him for an Italian swimmer, Pedro is determined to show her just how manly he is – by swimming across the Río de la Plata. His plan may be hindered by the presence of a news crew and the coast guard, but he’ll get her back, even if he knows that rocks don’t float. Continue Reading

Últimas Palabras (Last Words)

Últimas Palabras

Últimas Palabras starts with a man with a typewriter. At first, he writes about his general thoughts, but as he continues to type on his typewriter, his thoughts move slowly towards his past, and he talks about finally deciding to give up. Continue Reading

Un Juego Absurdo

Un Juego Absurdo

Un Juego Absurdo starts with a guy talking about distances and desires. After all, he seems to have taken a liking to a pretty girl in the party. He goes over his thoughts with an occasional word towards the audience, and constantly wonders whether or not he should do anything to get the girl. Will he win in the end? Continue Reading

Amor Crudo (Raw Love)

Amor Crudo

Amor Crudo (English: Raw Love) is about two guys who are the best of friends. They play soccer with their buddies regularly, they joke about girls, they have regular sleepovers, and they do almost everything together. Their relationship is placed in focus, especially since it’s only a few weeks until the school year ends. What will happen between the two of them? Will they still have the same relationship afterwards? Continue Reading

El Purgatorio De Dante

El Purgatorio De Dante

El Purgatorio De Dante is about Dante, a man living in splendor. One day, he gets an unexpected guest, one who tells him that he only has a little more time to live. Dante laughs it off as a crazy scheme, but as the visitor tells him of the vile secrets only very few know, he begins to worry about how his last few hours will go. Continue Reading