Llamada Nocturna (Night Call)

Llamada Nocturna

In Llamada Nocturna, an old man lives alone in his house. He gets occasional calls from Isabel, but other than that, he lives a lonely existence. One night, he gets a call from a stranger, someone who got his number from someone else. He politely tells her that he may not be the one she’s looking for. Instead of putting down the phone, the lady on the other line asks for his name. Continue Reading

Time After Time

Time After Time

Time After Time is set in the year 1985. Pablo has always been in love with Susana, and he finally gets his chance with her tonight. But, just before he finally manages to spend some intimate time his special girl, he bumps into a stranger. The stranger tells Pablo that he’s Pablo from the future, and he’s there to keep him from losing his virginity that night. Continue Reading

Relación Abierta (Open Relationship)

Relación Abierta

Relación Abierta (English: Open Relationship) centers around a happy gay couple that have been together for 5 years. One day, out of the blue, one of them decides to ask whether it’s OK for them to have an open relationship. Interesting questions and considerations follow. Continue Reading

Desire on a Fall Afternoon

Desire on a Fall Afternoon

Desire on a Fall Afternoon is set on a dreary afternoon. A girl arrives at the apartment, where she meets the mom of the boy she’ll be baby-sitting for the day. She’s led to meet the paralyzed guy in the wheelchair, and is left to look after him. Meaningful glances are exchanged, and an aching desire may just be acted upon. Continue Reading