Nico Tiene Una Novia (Nico Has A Girlfriend)

Nico Tiene Una Novia

Nico Tiene Una Novia (Nico Has A Girlfriend, in English) is about a young man who is constantly pestered by his family about not having a girlfriend. Finally fed up of all the comments, he declares that he is, as a matter of fact, taking a date to the party. He ends up bringing a simple household toaster (yes, the one you toast bread with) to the event, but, for some reason, he finds a pretty girl instead of an appliance in the car. Continue Reading

Desire on a Fall Afternoon

Desire on a Fall Afternoon

Desire on a Fall Afternoon is set on a dreary afternoon. A girl arrives at the apartment, where she meets the mom of the boy she’ll be baby-sitting for the day. She’s led to meet the paralyzed guy in the wheelchair, and is left to look after him. Meaningful glances are exchanged, and an aching desire may just be acted upon. Continue Reading

Juan Con Miedo (Fearful John)

Juan Con Miedo

Juan Con Miedo (Fearful John, in English) is about a boy meeting a curious girl, who tells him about a creepy legend involving a scarecrow. That they enter the old haunted house (while relating the story) in order to escape a seemingly scarier fate just adds to the chills that this tale gives. Whether or not Juan/John will match up to his namesake from the Grimm Brothers’ stories is something we’ll have to see. Continue Reading

Mi Amigo Jaime (My Friend Jaime)

Mi Amigo Jaime

Mi Amigo Jaime (My Friend Jaime, in English) is a short film about a young man and his friend Jaime. It starts off innocently enough, with a boy simply indulging in a secret crush. Things tend to get complicated mostly because of the emotions of a teenager in love, and the fear of ruining a good friendship. So basically, amidst pool laps and beach waves, this film depicts just how it feels like when you fall in love with your best friend.

This one is actually rather sweet. The feelings seem very innocent, and this makes the film simpler and sweeter. Also, so much bromance.

(This is available on both Vimeo and YouTube, plus with English subs on both. Here’s another film about a teenage girl crushing on another girlThis other film is also about falling in love with a best friend, only with a female perspective.) Continue Reading