Últimas Palabras (Last Words)

Últimas Palabras

Últimas Palabras starts with a man with a typewriter. At first, he writes about his general thoughts, but as he continues to type on his typewriter, his thoughts move slowly towards his past, and he talks about finally deciding to give up. Continue Reading

Por Qué Las Babosas No Toman Sal

Por Qué Las Babosas No Toman Sal

Por Qué Las Babosas No Toman Sal starts with a man trying to make a script. He’s trying out something dramatic, something different from his usual screenplays. However, due to many concerns, he is pushed to write something more “commercial”, a film that will be a financial success. He is given plenty of ideas: a robot army, a giant insect, and a superheroine. He does what he can to make something “fresh” and “unique”. Continue Reading