RS-1281 is a tale set in the far future. By this time, mankind has created highly intelligent robots, but has also destroyed the Earth due to their own actions. Now, Duedan must take a test with RS-1281, an android who will decide whether or not he is a real human being.
This film provides an interesting backstory of how humans will inevitably ruin the Earth. Also, it also has thought-provoking dialogue on what exactly makes humans different from robots. But who knows? Going by all the sci-fi movies and literature out there, they may just turn out to be better than any of us can ever dream to be.
Do you have an idea of how the future will turn out? I like going over fictional sci-fi stories of futuristic marvels, but I can’t honestly envision how life is going to be 100 years-heck, even 10 years-from now.
(RS-1281 is available without subtitles on Vimeo, and with English subtitles on YouTube. Click here for a film featuring robots and explosions. Click here for film about a guy who wants to do time traveling. And click here for a feature-length film about a robot programmer who is asked to help create a robot child.)
RS-1281, on Vimeo (no subtitles)
RS-1281, on YouTube (English subtitles)
Directed by Rubén Arnaiz