Tiempo (Time)

A multi-awarded short film narrated by a humble watch. Such genius in 10 minutes with wonderful shots, a subtle plot, and black-and-white significance. Wonderful, wonderful film. Tiempo is a Spanish short film about watches, time and a mysterious man. Spanish… Continue Reading

Niebla (Fog)


Niebla (Fog, in English) is the story of an old man reminiscing his younger days. He talks about his hometown, a place that has always been covered in fog. Perhaps few can talk about its days of prosperity, but not El Pep. He remembers the days when the town was thriving, thanks to the floating sheep from the sky. Continue Reading

La Huida (The Runaway)

La Huida

La Huida (The Runaway, in English) is about a moment. Or, rather, a series of moments that may or may not have any connection with each other. There’s talk of a piece of gum, a stop light, a soda can… And who knows that else. What exactly is this film talking about? Why is there a man running with a brief case? Does any of this make sense at all? Continue Reading