Yo También Te Quiero (I Like You Too)

Yo También Te Quiero

Yo También Te Quiero (I Like You Too, in English) features a guy talking about how he waits for his friend to be his girlfriend. He’s always there for her, he’s always helping her… but he’s never really in a romantic relationship with her. The pains of being in this friendzone is given glorious detail, and is peppered only by a building frustration- and topped off with a dog. Continue Reading

En La Próxima Parada (At The Next Stop)

En La Próxima Parada

  This short film is about a guy who is looking for a girlfriend, and finds a left-behind planner instead. Amidst beautiful string music and a black-and-white landscape, this movie shows us the initial awkwardness and undeniable spark between two… Continue Reading

Desire on a Fall Afternoon

Desire on a Fall Afternoon

Desire on a Fall Afternoon is set on a dreary afternoon. A girl arrives at the apartment, where she meets the mom of the boy she’ll be baby-sitting for the day. She’s led to meet the paralyzed guy in the wheelchair, and is left to look after him. Meaningful glances are exchanged, and an aching desire may just be acted upon. Continue Reading