Desire on a Fall Afternoon

Desire on a Fall Afternoon


Desire on a Fall Afternoon is set on a dreary afternoon. A girl arrives at the apartment, where she meets the mom of the boy she’ll be baby-sitting for the day. She’s led to meet the paralyzed guy in the wheelchair, and is left to look after him. Meaningful glances are exchanged, and an aching desire may just be acted upon.

This film is pretty interesting. It’s simple, yet each shadow and movement help to give it depth. The movie doesn’t even feel like 6 minutes, not when the longing and lingering feel much more intimate, much longer than that. I felt a little sad after this, but really, that caged bird provided quite a message from the start.

(This is available with English subtitles on YouTube. Here’s a film of another couple succumbing to desire. And here’s a film about a girl who desires her girl bestfriend.)


Desire on a Fall Afternoon, on Youtube


Directed by Ricard Befan

Director’s website


I'm the webmaster and author at I started this website as a complement to my studies in the Spanish language, but honestly, it just gave me an excuse to watch lots of great short films (like the ones in my author's picks section). I also blog and write short stories.

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