Elefantes Sobre Una Telaraña (Elephants Over A Spider Web)

Elefantes Sobre Una Telarana

Elefantes Sobre Una Telaraña (English: Elephants Over A Spider Web) begins with a man’s birthday. He’s just about to blow out his candles, when his little daughter asks whether she can blow them out for him. After doing so, she runs off to get her dad’s present, a letter she wrote for him for being the best daddy in the world. There seems to be something amiss, though. Why does he look at her that way? Is there something going on that we don’t see? Continue Reading



(Thank you to reader Laia for sending this one in! Have a short film to suggest? Submit it to me or contact me about it now!)

Paseo starts on a cold day. One man, a poet, is preparing a cigarette. Another man comes to him and asks him for one too, but the first man says it’s the last one he has. They share the cigarette instead, and speak little. They then notice the man crying behind them, who says he’s sad as he was never able to confess to a woman. The poet then comes up with a plan that may involve his lighter and a few carefully chosen words. Continue Reading

Sufragio Emocional

Sufragio Emocional

Sufragio Emocional is set in a precinct where people come to cast their votes. Many people have voted already, but one man in particular is having a hard time putting his ballot in the box. While fitting Spain’s 1978 Constitution in the ballot box is indeed part of his right as a voter, he’s holding up the line by taking too long. Will he ever be able to cast his vote? Continue Reading



400KM features a man and a woman meeting each other by a car. They’re getting ready for a long road trip, one that will take them 400 km away from the city and to Zaragoza. Through their travels, they’ll get to know a little about each other, while taking in the beauty of the roadside. Notably, this experimental movie was made without a script and with lots of improvisation. Who knows how this story will end? Continue Reading



Sonata begins with a young child, brought into a world filled with people of different intent and desires. He grows up learning that man is driven by sexual desire in particular, and not endearing sentiments. With this in mind, he finds a woman, marries her, falls into the monotony of marriage, and notices her relationship with the man she’s practicing a sonata with. Continue Reading