La Mosca

La Mosca

La Mosca starts off with a man furiously typing away on a typewriter. He’s working on his novel, his life’s work. As the night goes by, he reminisces his life, his love, and his pain. Soon, he tires. Just as he is about to drift to sleep, a fly comes into the motel room, and it seems to want nothing more than to keep him awake. Continue Reading

La Migala (The Bird Spider)

La Migala

La Migala (The Bird Spider, in English) presents a rather unusual drama, one about a man who decides to forget that he lost his ladylove by letting his worst fear run amok in his apartment. Of course, he doesn’t choose just any spider to distract him from his thoughts; he chooses a poisonous tarantula whose bite can possibly kill him at any time. Continue Reading