La Mirada Circular (The Circular Glance)

La Mirada Circular

La Mirada Circular (English: The Circular Glance) begins with a family preparing for a beach trip: the kids are playing around, the mom is getting the food ready, and the dad is packing the stuff in the car. On the beach, as the parents relax, the two siblings enjoy the waves and walk along the shore. When they head back, they notice something odd. Where have their parents gone? Why are there odd men hanging about? Why are they being told to run? Continue Reading

Recuerda (Remember)


Recuerda (Remember, in English) has an interesting premise. It starts off with a young woman going about her daily business, when she suddenly realizes that she has forgotten an important birthday. She then asks herself a lot of questions, and is overwhelmed by having no answers. This goes on until she meets someone who makes her remember what’s truly important. Continue Reading