Elefantes Sobre Una Telaraña (Elephants Over A Spider Web)

Elefantes Sobre Una Telarana

Elefantes Sobre Una Telaraña (English: Elephants Over A Spider Web) begins with a man’s birthday. He’s just about to blow out his candles, when his little daughter asks whether she can blow them out for him. After doing so, she runs off to get her dad’s present, a letter she wrote for him for being the best daddy in the world. There seems to be something amiss, though. Why does he look at her that way? Is there something going on that we don’t see? Continue Reading



Paramorfosis starts with a young man. He seems to be dreaming about something… But he goes about his day anyway. Everything seems normal enough – the school, the students, his friends. However, something odd happens when he gets to the library. What happened to that other girl at the counter? Where’d his book go? What’s happening? Continue Reading

El Orden De Las Cosas (The Order of Things)

El Orden De Las Cosas

El Orden De Las Cosas (The Order of Things, in English) starts with a man talking to a woman in a tub. It seems like an innocent conversation, but then a number of odd things crop up. Why is the woman always in water? Why can’t the man find his belt? What do all those marks mean? Continue Reading