Juan Con Miedo (Fearful John)

Juan Con Miedo

Juan Con Miedo (Fearful John, in English) is about a boy meeting a curious girl, who tells him about a creepy legend involving a scarecrow. That they enter the old haunted house (while relating the story) in order to escape a seemingly scarier fate just adds to the chills that this tale gives. Whether or not Juan/John will match up to his namesake from the Grimm Brothers’ stories is something we’ll have to see. Continue Reading

Jesusito De Mi Vida (Dear Child Jesus)

Jesusito De Mi Vida

Jesusito De Mi Vida (Dear Child Jesus, in English) is about Jesus, a young boy praying to God. His mother tucks him in after he says his prayers. She then tells him that if he prays with his heart, God will grant him anything he needs. After a glass of water and some shut eye, the little boy gets up to go to the bathroom, only to see a dark, scary hallway. Continue Reading