Anochecer (Nightfall)


Anochecer (English: Nightfall) is set in a young man’s bedroom. He’s having a friend sleep over tonight, and they just prepared the extra bed he could sleep on. However, his friend seems to look at him a little too closely, but he doesn’t notice it. They get ready for bed and turn off the light, but his friend just can’t fall sleep. Continue Reading

El Regalo (The Gift)

El Regalo

El Regalo (English: The Gift) begins with some kids going to class. Today, a girl in a red jacket seems particularly reckless. After not greeting her teacher properly, she is sent to the principal’s office, though with a smile on her face. A boy who seems to look at her a little too closely soon follows suit, and they meet each other by the hallway just before the girl runs away, perhaps in hopes that he will follow. Continue Reading

Sufragio Emocional

Sufragio Emocional

Sufragio Emocional is set in a precinct where people come to cast their votes. Many people have voted already, but one man in particular is having a hard time putting his ballot in the box. While fitting Spain’s 1978 Constitution in the ballot box is indeed part of his right as a voter, he’s holding up the line by taking too long. Will he ever be able to cast his vote? Continue Reading

Últimas Palabras (Last Words)

Últimas Palabras

Últimas Palabras starts with a man with a typewriter. At first, he writes about his general thoughts, but as he continues to type on his typewriter, his thoughts move slowly towards his past, and he talks about finally deciding to give up. Continue Reading

El Punto Ciego (The Blind Spot)

El Punto Ciego

El Punto Ciego (English: The Blind Spot) starts off with how there is a part of our vision that is invisible to the eye, hence, the “blind spot”. As a tired man closes the book with this information in mind, another man, a porter, asks him if he’s studying medicine. They carry on a simple conversation, and we are suddenly given another view simultaneously- this time of the porter’s room. They continue talking, and the interesting view of the room continues, until a woman catches the porter’s eye. Curious events then unfold in the split screen. Continue Reading