

M. is about a man whose lifestyle revolves around sleeping with as many partners as possible. He never lets them kiss him on the lips though, no matter how intense things get. He has a friend who loves him and a family that supports him, except for a father figure who seems to look at him with leery eyes. One night, he encounters a different kind of partner, and things seem to just snowball from there. Continue Reading

El Purgatorio De Dante

El Purgatorio De Dante

El Purgatorio De Dante is about Dante, a man living in splendor. One day, he gets an unexpected guest, one who tells him that he only has a little more time to live. Dante laughs it off as a crazy scheme, but as the visitor tells him of the vile secrets only very few know, he begins to worry about how his last few hours will go. Continue Reading

La Culpa (Guilt)

La Culpa

La Culpa (Guilt, in English) starts off with a man getting happy news: his wife just told him that she’s pregnant. As he joyously spreads the news to his friend on the phone, a man with his wife’s purse runs past him. He hurries to his wife, who was by then lying dead on the ground. Grief-stricken, he plans revenge on the murderer. Continue Reading