

400KM features a man and a woman meeting each other by a car. They’re getting ready for a long road trip, one that will take them 400 km away from the city and to Zaragoza. Through their travels, they’ll get to know a little about each other, while taking in the beauty of the roadside. Notably, this experimental movie was made without a script and with lots of improvisation. Who knows how this story will end? Continue Reading

Últimas Palabras (Last Words)

Últimas Palabras

Últimas Palabras starts with a man with a typewriter. At first, he writes about his general thoughts, but as he continues to type on his typewriter, his thoughts move slowly towards his past, and he talks about finally deciding to give up. Continue Reading

Tin & Tina

Tin & Tina

Tin & Tina starts with a man preparing for dinner, as a news report on the radio tells of a murder story. When everything is ready, he calls Tin and Tina to come to eat. The two children sit down, but don’t touch the puree on their plates. Just as their father angrily tells them to eat up, he starts trashing about, and falls to the ground. Continue Reading

Time After Time

Time After Time

Time After Time is set in the year 1985. Pablo has always been in love with Susana, and he finally gets his chance with her tonight. But, just before he finally manages to spend some intimate time his special girl, he bumps into a stranger. The stranger tells Pablo that he’s Pablo from the future, and he’s there to keep him from losing his virginity that night. Continue Reading