El Color Rojo

El Color Rojo

El Color Rojo begins with Gabriela, who has been noticing how Sara, one of her classmates, seems to be favoring the color red lately. While her friends laugh on, Gaby watches as Sara sorts out the red candies in a pack. What could she be doing? Continue Reading

Desde La Celda

Desde La Celda

Desde La Celda centers on a man in solitary confinement. While giving us some curious information about the Spanish government’s take on imprisonment, we see the prisoner live his daily life in his lonely cell, isolated from the rest of the world. Will he ever find the will to keep on living? Continue Reading



Desconexión centers around how people are relying more and more heavily on phones for communication. In particular, a man pressed for time is making seemingly important phone calls to a certain Ariel Maldonado. He takes a cab and hurries home, but soon realizes that he left his phone in the taxi. Meanwhile, a man finds a cellphone in a cab, and wonders what to do with it. Continue Reading

La Muerte Del Gato

La Muerte Del Gato

La Muerte Del Gato starts in a little apartment in Havana, Cuba in the 1960s. Two men, Raul and Camilo, have been plotting something against her for some time. They bring out the rifle just as Armando drops in. The man tells them to be very careful, as the police have been active in the area lately. With a nod of the head, they load the gun, and look over the landlady, who was screaming at a man. Continue Reading

La Tumba (The Tomb)

La Tumba

La Tumba (English: The Tomb) begins with a man in a clean, white jail. A few men come to visit him, asking him why he’s going on a hunger strike when he’s given food everyday. The man does not reply, so they tie him up and cover his eyes. Meanwhile, in another part of the facility, a man in a cell listens as a new inmate is brought in. Continue Reading