El Color Rojo

El Color Rojo

El Color Rojo begins with Gabriela, who has been noticing how Sara, one of her classmates, seems to be favoring the color red lately. While her friends laugh on, Gaby watches as Sara sorts out the red candies in a pack. What could she be doing? Continue Reading



Alexia starts with a man looking over a girl’s Facebook. It’s her birthday today, but he’s seeing messages of people saying they miss her. A little later, his girlfriend pops up in chat, and asks how he’s doing. She then tells him to stop looking at his ex’s page, and tells him that whatever happened was not his fault. Is he guilty, though? Continue Reading

Al Otro Lado (The Other Side)

Al Otro Lado

Al Otro Lado (English: The Other Side) centers around Laura, a woman working for Hopeline, the suicide hotline. One day, she receives a special call from Javier, a man who seems desperate about something. She tries to get him to talk about what’s pushing him to self-harm, but the conversation takes a different turn when the man asks her about the other people who made calls to the same hotline. Continue Reading