

Autoestima revolves around a teen girl who lives an ordinary life, although a dark persona follows her wherever she goes. This dark shadow creeps up to her and erodes her self-esteem with observations about her body image, her friendships, and her life in general. One day, she’ll have enough of it, and will just try to fight back. Continue Reading



M. is about a man whose lifestyle revolves around sleeping with as many partners as possible. He never lets them kiss him on the lips though, no matter how intense things get. He has a friend who loves him and a family that supports him, except for a father figure who seems to look at him with leery eyes. One night, he encounters a different kind of partner, and things seem to just snowball from there. Continue Reading



Miguelina begins on a hot day, where a group of religious folk are praying ardently for rain to fall upon their dry land. In the meantime, a small boy drops by to talk to Doña Miguelina, an old woman who passes the time making baskets. He tells her that his parents think that Don Jose, her husband, will never come back, while the other women in the village talk about how mysterious it is that the rain stopped falling when her husband left and she started weaving baskets. Continue Reading

Anochecer (Nightfall)


Anochecer (English: Nightfall) is set in a young man’s bedroom. He’s having a friend sleep over tonight, and they just prepared the extra bed he could sleep on. However, his friend seems to look at him a little too closely, but he doesn’t notice it. They get ready for bed and turn off the light, but his friend just can’t fall sleep. Continue Reading