Las Piedras No Flotan (Rocks Don’t Float)

Las Piedras No Flotan

Las Piedras No Flotan centers on a man named Pedro. After his girl left him for an Italian swimmer, Pedro is determined to show her just how manly he is – by swimming across the Río de la Plata. His plan may be hindered by the presence of a news crew and the coast guard, but he’ll get her back, even if he knows that rocks don’t float. Continue Reading

Últimas Palabras (Last Words)

Últimas Palabras

Últimas Palabras starts with a man with a typewriter. At first, he writes about his general thoughts, but as he continues to type on his typewriter, his thoughts move slowly towards his past, and he talks about finally deciding to give up. Continue Reading



Desconexión centers around how people are relying more and more heavily on phones for communication. In particular, a man pressed for time is making seemingly important phone calls to a certain Ariel Maldonado. He takes a cab and hurries home, but soon realizes that he left his phone in the taxi. Meanwhile, a man finds a cellphone in a cab, and wonders what to do with it. Continue Reading



Lucía begins with a girl’s whispered voice telling a story. As she tells her story, we are shown a room with various fixtures. Slowly, as she talks of her life and of Luis, shadowy figures appear on the walls, and the things in the room move as if by their own will. Continue Reading

La Tumba (The Tomb)

La Tumba

La Tumba (English: The Tomb) begins with a man in a clean, white jail. A few men come to visit him, asking him why he’s going on a hunger strike when he’s given food everyday. The man does not reply, so they tie him up and cover his eyes. Meanwhile, in another part of the facility, a man in a cell listens as a new inmate is brought in. Continue Reading